Loving care
Loving care
Young adults with disabilities
Support Jemima
Jemima provides professional, loving care to children and young adults with multiple disabilities every day. Because we cannot do this alone, we have set up a sponsoring program. Do you want to support one of our residents financially? In these blogs we tell you about the residents, what the sponsor program entails and how you can help us.
The 16-year-old Arabian Safouane suffers from dwarfism and cannot talk. When he was eighteen months old, we admitted him to the Jemima Christian House, because his family situation was dire. His father had left the family and 5 of his brothers and sisters had already died. He himself was in a bad way. He had a large developmental delay and was malnourished. Since we take care of him, he has grown into a sweet, enterprising boy who likes to play in the ball pit.
Housing, meals, hospital admissions, medicines, therapies: just a selection of the necessities of the residents of the Christian Jemima House. We are very happy with the support we receive to pay for this. Nevertheless, our financial resources are limited and we sometimes worry. After all, accommodating children with multiple disabilities and young adults is very expensive. They need intensive care all their lives.
"Some residents seem to be unable to do much in the beginning. Time and again it surprises us what loving care does to a resident."
"We have 17 children with intellectual and physical disabilities, they all have a tragic background."
"If you want to participate in the sponsoring program, we ask you to support a resident for at least € 20 a month."
IIn the Christian house Jemima live 17 Arab resident and young adults who are multiple restricted. We care a lot about these residents and want to offer them even more quality of life than we already do. That is why we started a sponsoring program.
“When our residents receive a present from their sponsor, they are filled with joy. "They shout and laugh. It is always a wonderful moment to experience," says chairman of Jemima Kees Bel. Our foundation set up a sponsoring program for the residents several years ago and that has already led to many wonderful events.
With Christian mercy we try to follow in Jesus' footsteps every day. All our residents have a tragic background and health problems. They need professional care throughout their lives. The Christian foundation Jemima gives them a warm and safe home.
Christians in Bethlehem are finding it increasingly difficult. They are less likely to find a job while they already don't have much money. Many families no longer have income and are leaving. House Jemima has given a number of Christians, especially in the Beit Jala area, a perspective for the future. They work as nurses, therapists and counselors for and within House Jemima.
- Annelies Kriekaard
- Gery Tukker
- Trijnie Moraal
Christenen in Bethlehem krijgen het steeds moeilijker. Ze hebben minder kans op een baan terwijl ze het al niet breed hebben. Veel gezinnen hebben geen inkomen meer en vertrekken. Huize Jemima ...
Als christelijke stichting halen wij veel inspiratie uit de Bijbel. Met name Jezus’ woorden uit Mattheüs 25: 34-40 geven ons steun bij de zorg die wij verlenen aan onze bewoners met een ...
“Als onze bewoners een cadeautje krijgen van hun adoptieouders zijn ze vervuld van blijdschap. Ze joelen en lachen. Het is altijd een prachtig moment om mee te maken”, zegt voorzitter van Jemima ...
In het christelijke Huize Jemima wonen 17 Arabische bewoner en jongvolwassenen die meervoudig beperkt zijn. We geven veel om deze bewoners en willen ze nog meer kwaliteit van leven bieden dan we ...
Huisvesting, maaltijden, ziekenhuisopnames, medicijnen, therapieën: zomaar een greep uit de benodigdheden van de bewoners van het christelijke Huize Jemima. We zijn erg blij met de steun die we ...
De 16-jarige Arabische Safouane* lijdt aan dwerggroei en kan niet praten. Toen hij anderhalf jaar was namen wij hem op in het christelijke Huize Jemima, want zijn gezinssituatie was schrijnend. ...
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